Table topp.public.tblshark_tad
This table contains Wildlife time at depth data from all available sharkgroup tags. It is easy to join with a programming table (using eventid) to get the depth value for each bin_num, but it is tricky to parse out into individual fields.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
tkey serial 10  √  nextval('tblshark_tad_tkey_seq'::regclass)
eventid int4 10  √  null
pttnumber int4 10  √  null
date date 13  √  null
time time 15,6  √  null
bin_num int4 10  √  null
fraction float4 8,8  √  null
toppid int4 10  √  null

Table contained 648,345 rows at Wed Dec 27 13:25 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
tkey Primary key Asc tblshark_tad_pkey