Table topp.deprecated.tbltgsmrudiag Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
bkey serial 10  √  nextval('deprecated.tbltgsmrudiag_bkey_seq'::regclass)
tgdiagkey text 2147483647  √  null
reff text 2147483647  √  null
ptt text 2147483647  √  null
d_date text 2147483647  √  null
lq text 2147483647  √  null
li text 2147483647  √  null
lat text 2147483647  √  null
lon text 2147483647  √  null
alt_lat text 2147483647  √  null
alt_lon text 2147483647  √  null
n_mess text 2147483647  √  null
n_mess_120 text 2147483647  √  null
best_level text 2147483647  √  null
pass_dur text 2147483647  √  null
dist text 2147483647  √  null
freq text 2147483647  √  null
v_mask text 2147483647  √  null
alt text 2147483647  √  null
source text 2147483647  √  null
est_speed text 2147483647  √  null
km_from_home text 2147483647  √  null
old_lq text 2147483647  √  null
iq text 2147483647  √  null
nops text 2147483647  √  null
deleted text 2147483647  √  null
actual_ptt text 2147483647  √  null
km_from_haul text 2147483647  √  null
jm_lat text 2147483647  √  null
jm_lon text 2147483647  √  null
sst text 2147483647  √  null
seq text 2147483647  √  null

Table contained 44,128 rows at Wed Dec 27 13:21 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
bkey Primary key Asc tbltgsmrudiag_pkey