Table topp.deprecated.tagprocessing Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
tageventid int4 10  √  null
tagevents.tageventid $1 R
fileid int4 10  √  null
textfiles.fileid Implied Constraint R
clockfast float4 8,8  √  null
clockkdrift float4 8,8  √  null
firstday date 13  √  null
lastday date 13  √  null
daysinrecord int4 10  √  null
timezonecorrectedto varchar 80  √  null
distancefilter float4 8,8  √  null
depthregressioneq varchar 80  √  null
findlatsparameters varchar 80  √  null
daysincorrectedrecord int4 10  √  null
dateoflastlightcurve date 13  √  null
daysoflightcurves int4 10  √  null
dateoflastexternaltempdata date 13  √  null
daysoftempdata int4 10  √  null
dateoflastdepth date 13  √  null
hexorbinfile varchar 80  √  null
latitude varchar 80  √  null
rawdataplots varchar 80  √  null
lllocation varchar 80  √  null
tbts varchar 80  √  null
srsslocations varchar 80  √  null
dailymeanandmaxdiving varchar 80  √  null
dailyexternalminandmaxtemps varchar 80  √  null

Table contained 26 rows at Wed Dec 27 13:21 PST 2017

Close relationships  within of separation: