Table topp.deprecated.daylocationdatagf Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
datetime int4 10
sessionid int4 10
session.sessionid Implied Constraint R
latitude float4 8,8  √  null
longitude float4 8,8  √  null
gpslat float4 8,8  √  null
gpslong float4 8,8  √  null
lowlimmixed float4 8,8  √  null
surfacetemp float4 8,8  √  null
surfacemintemp float4 8,8  √  null
surfacemaxtemp float4 8,8  √  null
surfacemediantemp float4 8,8  √  null
maxtemp float4 8,8  √  null
maxdepth float4 8,8  √  null
mindepth float4 8,8  √  null
opacity float4 8,8  √  null
sunrise int4 10  √  null
sunset int4 10  √  null
comment text 2147483647  √  null

Table contained 100,273 rows at Wed Dec 27 13:21 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
datetime + sessionid Primary key Asc/Asc daylocationdatagf_pkey
datetime Performance Asc daylocationdatagf_datetime
sessionid Performance Asc daylocationdatagf_sessionid

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