Table topp.deprecated.agents Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
agentid int4 10
agentaliases.agentid $1 R
animalexcursions.agentid $2 R
cases.contactid $5 R
cases.ownerid $4 R
conventionalrecoveries.agentid $3 R
conventionaltagging.agentid $3 R
encounters.agentid $6 R
examinations.examinerid $2 R
fishencounterdata.transfercaptainid $2 R
projects.ownerid $1 R
tagevents.agentid $3 R
taggerencounters.taggerid $1 R
tagmaintenance.vendorid $2 R
tagmemos.agentid $4 R
tagmodels.manufid $1 R
tagsreceived.vendorid $2 R
thermistorprobemodels.manufacturerid $1 R
triplogs.loggerid $5 R
triplogs.teamleaderid $4 R
trips.captaintid $4 R
trips.ownerid $2 R
vessels.ownerid $1 R
agentcode varchar 20  √  null
agenttypeid int4 10  √  null
agenttypes.agenttypeid $1 R
lastname varchar 80  √  null
firstname varchar 80  √  null
middlename varchar 80  √  null
nickname varchar 80  √  null
salutation varchar 20  √  null
title varchar 80  √  null
addressid int4 10  √  null
addresses.addressid $2 R
email varchar 255  √  null
phone varchar 80  √  null
cell varchar 80  √  null
fax varchar 80  √  null
weburl varchar 160  √  null
agentcomment text 2147483647  √  null

Table contained 99 rows at Wed Dec 27 13:21 PST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name Anomalies
agentid Primary key Asc agents_pkey  
agentcode Must be unique Asc agents_agentcode_key This unique column is also nullable

Close relationships  within of separation: